Sunday, 11 May 2014

sunflower smiles

almost a year ago ~ buh bye freshman year and good riddance. 

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Manipulations/technology commentary/sunrise colors

Friday, 2 May 2014

Jumping Back In

 Okay so clearly I'm super terrible at keeping up with blogs. Like super terrible. Time to analyze a little bit of where that comes from. Yes, I have the tendency to start a new blog every time my style changes, but after nearly a year I'm returning right here to get some consistency. I can do this.
It's the end of freshman year at Wash. U. And wow. So much up and down. I'd like to think it was lots of ups and lots of learning (rather than downs). Anyway, I'll be traveling in the near future and decorating an apartment here in St. Louis so this is as good a time as any to get back to blogging. AT MY OWN PACE. That should help. No pressure and no trying to be like anyone else. Let's do this.