Wednesday 15 May 2013

Surfing x6

The Girls for Pearls tumblr has been updated! Check it out and follow x

The Free People BLDG 25 blog is always overflowing with inspiration!

The most precious gift cards on Frankie, we all should be sending around these good vibes more often!

I'll link you through to this adorable story, but you can read it below as well! It's genius and perfect.

Train Announcements by Bob Powers
Attention, passengers: we have a very full train today so please don’t block the doors. We will be moving shortly.
Attention, passengers: we cannot move the train unless you keep out of the way of the closing doors. Stand clear.
Will the passenger holding the train doors open in the second-to-last car please step on or off the train so that we can continue.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a passenger holding the doors of the train open, and we cannot move until the woman he is speaking to either gathers her suitcases and steps off the train with him, or convinces him that it is really over and he should just let her go. We apologize for the delay.
Attention, passengers: this is your conductor speaking. The train is being delayed while the woman with the suitcases tells the man holding the doors that she just wants to go back to Chicago and try and remember who she used to be before he convinced her to give up on her dreams to watch him follow through on his. She makes a fair point so we will be delayed until the gentleman holding the doors accepts that it’s time to move on.
Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the delay. The gentleman holding the doors is asking the woman with the suitcases if she remembers their trip up to Southampton, when they missed the ferry so they stayed in that adorable B. and B. and just spent the whole weekend in their room, ignoring the innkeeper’s pleas for them to come downstairs for a nightly wine-and-cheese hour the way they’re presently ignoring my pleas to release the doors so that train service may continue. It sounds like a sweet memory from a relationship that might be worth salvaging. We apologize for the delay.
Attention, passengers: this is your conductor. We continue to be delayed as the woman with the suitcases counters that the trip to Southampton was over eighteen months ago and a relationship can’t be powered solely on the fumes of a few distant memories. The woman with the suitcases wants to be in a relationship where happy memories are created every single day. Hopefully the man holding the doors can see that the woman with the suitcases has expectations for him that he simply cannot meet, and we will be on our way very soon when he releases the doors and lets the girl go.
This is an automated message from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. The M.T.A. reminds you that being on a delayed train is no excuse for giving people insincere relationship advice that could lead them to make a decision they’ll regret for the rest of their lives. If you hear a passenger telling another passenger to go back to someone who is obviously wrong for them, solely for the sake of speeding up the commute, please ask that passenger to be more patient and have a little respect for the difficulty of navigating the final stages of a dying love affair. Thank you for riding with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
Attention, passengers: this is your conductor speaking. The gentleman holding the doors says he could never love someone as much as he loves the woman with the suitcases. The woman with the suitcases says she believes him, but if that’s as much love as he’s capable of giving, it isn’t enough to make her stay. Passengers who haven’t already disembarked from the train, you were right to wait. I don’t see how the gentleman holding the doors can believe he could ever continue to hold sway over a woman’s heart after he hears her say something so coldly honest, and we should be moving shortly.
This is your conductor speaking. Your conductor underestimated the stubbornness of a lover not ready to let love go. The gentleman holding the doors has no more arguments to give, and the lady with the suitcases has no more energy to convince him he’s lost her, but since letting those doors close means being forced to begin his life without her, he can’t bring himself to do it. The train is being delayed while they search each other’s eyes for some relic of the warmth they used to feel when they shared no more than a passing glance. Those passengers still on the train should disembark and find other means of transportation as there’s no telling how long it will take for this love affair to finally exhale its dying breath.
Attention, passengers: this is your conductor speaking. The woman with the suitcases has presented the man holding the doors with an ultimatum. The woman with the suitcases says if he wants her, he can come with her. She gave up her life, left her home, and followed him here. Now it’s his turn. If he wants her, he can board the train, leave his dreams behind, and follow her back home. Otherwise, it’s time to say goodbye and let the doors close. No matter what the man holding the doors chooses, it’s safe to say we will be moving very shortly.
Attention, passengers: this is your conductor speaking. The train is about to leave the station. Please stand clear of the closing doors.
Illustration by Richard McGuire.

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